A garden to savour and lift your spirits with pockets of spring colour and an abundance of fragrance!
Previously known as the ‘Bridgemere and Women’s Institute Woodland Garden’ it won a Gold Medal at RHS Chelsea in 1993. The garden was originally designed to emphasise the beauty of woodland plants and how a woodland is divided into 3 distinct layers: tree cover, shrubs and ground cover. The garden surrounds a seating area with an usual sculpted stone table and chairs with a basket of fruit.
The garden includes rare varieties of hamamelis and specimen trees. In winter it also blooms with the collection of hellebore. The daphnes and hamamelis greet you with their sweet fragrance and the camellias and azaleas pop with colour. It’s a great excuse to get out in the fresh air and you will find a beautiful fragrant display and lots of inspiration to create your own spring and winter wonderland.
Our Head Gardener Bernard recommends you particularly look out for these stunning plants:
The garden is full of fragrant plants during winter and early spring, to provide nectar and pollen for bees and other pollinating insects. Scent is nature’s way of attracting insects. Hamamelis Strawberries and cream is one of Bernard’s favourite scented plants. It’s also quite rare! It has fragrant, bi-coloured flowers with yellow petals, which are tinted with soft red at the tips. Also look out for the Acer griseum tree, with its cinnamon coloured peeling bark, which is particularly attractive. If your looking for something fun and unusual, have a look at Podophyllum ‘Spotty Dotty’ a herbaceous perennial that emerges in the spring and develops chocolate brown spots, hence the name.
Click on a plant to find out more: